
The social inclusion of the recently inaugurated Grupo Premium Foundation has not gone unnoticed. The social inclusion work of the group continues to surprise and has dazzled many local media. Are you interested in knowing all the details?

The Presentation of the Grupo Premium Foundation

El pasado 29 de junio tuvo lugar la inauguración de la nueva Fundación Grupo Premium. El acto tuvo lugar en las instalaciones de La Fábrica de cerveza Cruzcampo y a él acudieron infinidad de personalidades pertenecientes a numerosos sectores de la sociedad malagueña: delegados, concejales, diputados y directivos de sociedades como MAHOS, Sabor a Málaga y Grupo Premium. Además, fueron varios los medios de comunicación que se han hecho eco del evento y han querido subrayar las labores sociales en las que Grupo Premium ha participado y planea seguir participando en el futuro.


In its more than ten years, Grupo Premium has demonstrated its eagerness to reinforce the commitment to the city of Malaga to enhance culture and promote training in hospitality, thereby contributing to professionalise the sector on the Costa del Sol. This way, it has taken part in social inclusion initiatives by La Caixa Foundation and Arrabal Association and has collaborated in fund-raising for associations such as Cudeca, Cruz Roja, Feder Foundation and Arrabal Association. In addition, the group has also organised altruistic tasks in soup kitchens and has fostered a close collaboration with local artists.


All these activities have attracted the attention of the media, which wanted to underline the solidarity of the group and explain in great detail how the inauguration event of the Grupo Premium Foundation took place.

Media Event Cover

The inauguration of the Grupo Premium Foundation was in charge of the main directors of Grupo Premium: Elisardo Sánchez Burgos, José Manuel Montalvo Senra and Juan Francisco García. All of them gave a brief speech, where the praise to the city of Malaga was evident for the incredible work of social commitment of its citizens, who take part in each solidarity initiative. In addition, they confirmed their firm desire to take a step forward and focus on social inclusion and the genuine and altruistic commitment that will undoubtedly characterise the Grupo Premium Foundation.


Also the delegate Gemma del Corral had the opportunity to publicly congratulate Grupo Premium for having this altruistic initiative in these times and highlighted the pride of all Malaga residents towards their plan to turn their business into a social project.

The celebration was a success and lasted into the evening. In addition, it was attended by the artist Daniela Miazzo, who made a live artistic intervention that she auctioned among the public present, and by the Candamil Vargas Quintet group, whose young members livened up the end of the party with their live music.


Taking everything into account, it is not surprising that so many media covered the inauguration of Grupo Premium Foundation. 101 TV, Málaga Hoy, Onda Cero, Diario de Málaga, Canal Málaga, Vida Económica, El Español or Málaga Valley, all of them wanted to echo the inauguration of the Grupo Premium Foundation. Even Canal Málaga published on Twitter and dedicated a space in its Málaga con Arte web program to talk about the opening ceremony and underline the incredible work of Grupo Premium and its social commitment.

The Future of the Grupo Premium Foundation

The Grupo Premium Foundation already has a number of projects that it will implement in the near future. To begin with, it will focus on four lines of work that will serve as a framework for future projects: training and support for culture, science and technology, the environment and sustainability and support for entrepreneurship and leadership.

Among the first projects is the creation of La Fábrica de Talento, which aims to promote hospitality training based on the philosophy and values of Grupo Premium. In this way, it intends to professionalise the hospitality sector in the city of Malaga and bring its experience and values to future generations.

On the other hand, a close collaboration with different NGOs is also proposed, thus supporting children by collecting school materials or preparing solidarity menus for specific dates.

In addition, support for culture will also constitute a cornerstone in the new Foundation, which plans to organise initiatives to support artists and musicians, whether local or foreign, to boost their careers.

What do you think about Grupo Premium’s social inclusion ideas? If you also want to be part of the altruistic initiatives of the Grupo Premium Foundation, please pay attention to the next updates. We will keep you informed!

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